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SPECIAL OFFER - MOM SOP's : S.O.P stands for Standard Operating Procedure, and it's one of my secrets to success! People are always asking me how I do things. I think it’s helpful for us moms to have another mom break down a process into easy to follow steps. It makes tasks feel more approachable! All you have to do is print them off, laminate them if you want to, and keep them handy (I keep mine in my home binder). This is Done-For-You. All of the heavy lifting is DONE for only $29! Included are the following: Meal Planning, Grocery Shopping, Church Prep, Hospitality, When The House Has Blown Up (everything is messy, let's put it back together), Morning Routine, Afternoon Routine, Evening Routine, Leaving The House With Children, Packing For Vacation, Returning From Vacation...These Mom SOPs are basically shortcuts to the most efficient way I have found to do all the Mom things...consider them cheat codes to Mom-Efficiency! The SOPs are a digital pdf download, there are no refunds.